Little Nightmares is currently free on the Steam platform. All you need to do is go to the game's page and add it to your account. But be quick about it, as the offer expires tomorrow, Sunday May 30, at 10 a.m. PT.
The game is often praised by its excelent atmosphere and unique take on the horror genre. But the platforming can be frustrating at times. It is totally worthwhile to try it out though. In particular if you are a fan of horror. And even more so when you don't have to spend the $20,00 the game usually goes for.
Be mindful that this free version only comes with the base game. If you want the DLC's, you must purchase them separately. But at least you can try the game out first before commiting to purchasing the extra content.
And if you get particularly enamored with the series, don't forget the equally praised sequel is also available. Although 100% less free.